Corgi pupper discovers the magic of door stoppers
HErO bOy sAvEs kItty frOm cErtAIn dEAth!
Useful Interweb
Absoloute Unit has too many snags.
Matthew Rayfield on Twitter
i made a new WEB TOY thing !
— Matthew Rayfield (@MatthewRayfield) July 10, 2019
it's a trombone you play by resizing a POPUP window
(but it doesn't really sound like a trombone, sorry)
πΊ play it here: πΊ
( and unmute to hear my BEAUTIFUL rendition of "mary had a little lamb" ) π
Visualising My Posting Habits
For a while now I've been looking at getting some insight into how often I post content to this site for two reasons - purely for interest, and to watch how it changes over time.
With this post, you can now go over to /post-frequency/ to see the latest graphical breakdown of my posting content - I'd recommend it to know what's actually being talked about!
To generate these charts, I've created a Hugo template that generates a set of counts for each of the content types that I regularly publish (i.e. ignoring static content like events or talks), which is then rendered by Chart.JS as a line chart.
Some interesting pieces of data I've gleaned from the stats as they currently sit:
- I post more content either early evening or just before bed
- I seemingly post a lot on the 7th of the month, but not much on the 8th, 21st or 27th
- Thursdays and Sundays are my most popular days
- March is my most productive month of content - most likely because I usually take a week's holiday over my birthday, so I end up writing a lot while I'm off
I'm looking forward to keep an eye on the way that my content publishing changes over time, i.e. with the use of Micropub for posting from anywhere.