How the Brits actually feel about tea. [NSFW](language)
She tried to resist the irresistible.
It's in their nature.
A tired duck slowly losing their fight with sleep
Ladies and gents, a Shiba Inu being lowered into a bathtub
Training sessions
Adding webmentions to my blog
I first noticed webmentions in the wild on Hidde de Vries’ blog about two years ago. Last week it finally happened, I added webmention support to my blog too! Well, partial support at least. I’m now receiving and displaying webmentions. Sending them out is a project for another day.
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.
Webmentions are a protocol for websites to communicate across each other. What makes the webmention standard interesting is that it’s not tied to a single service it’s a protocol. Webmentions can be aggregated from a range of different services from Twitter, to other blogs or even direct comments.
I highly recommend Chris Aldrich’s article on A List Apart if you want to dive deeper in the theory about the standards recommendation.
Receiving webmentions
I’m mostly interested in receiving webmentions from Twitter since that’s my main source of traffic.
Twitter doesn’t send any webmentions themselves. Fortunately there’s a service that solves this problem: Bridgy. Whenever a link to my blog is posted on Twitter, Bridgy polls for replies, retweets, and likes to send them as webmentions.
That’s just half of the story: the mentions need to be received too. When a webmention is sent, the sender will scan for a specific link
tag on the mentioned page.
<link rel="webmention" href="...">
If it finds one, it will post the mention to the configured URL.
I set up my to receive webmentions on another third party service:
<link rel="webmention" href="" /> stores webmentions on their servers, so I can retrieve them to display on my blog. It also acts as a spam filter. Fake mentions from bots will be filtered out so they won’t appear under my posts.
To summarize the flow:
- Someone tweets a link to one of my posts, or interacts with a tweet that contains a links to one of my posts
- Bridgy polls Twitter, and discovers the interaction
- Bridgy posts a webmention to my website
- The webmention is routed to and stored
Displaying webmentions on post pages
Webmentions stored on can be retrieved with a simple API call. For example, to receive mentions for this post:
I’m using the fetch
API to grab the webmentions JSON, have a rudimentary script to render them beneath every post.
That’s all there is to it! Most of the mentions I’m receiving are from Twitter, but anyone can add comments with a service like comment parade too. Try it out by mentioning this post!
Weather at time/location of posting — Clear with a temperature of 70.96°F and 73% humidity. Dark Sky, Jul 22 2019 on
Weather at time/location of posting — Clear with a temperature of 70.96°F and 73% humidity.
@cleverdevil What a cutie! Miraz, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil What a cutie!
@Miraz she is pretty adorable! We don’t get to bring her home for a few more weeks, but it should be good fun having a puppy in the house again. cleverdevil, Jul 22 2019 on
@Miraz she is pretty adorable! We don’t get to bring her home for a few more weeks, but it should be good fun having a puppy in the house again.
@cleverdevil Have you told Nelson that he's getting a little sister? jeannie, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil Have you told Nelson that he's getting a little sister?
@cleverdevil You're killing me with these photos. 😭🥰 martinfeld, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil You're killing me with these photos. 😭🥰
@jeannie we have! We brought home a little rag that Eliza had been playing with so he can get used to her scent. She is still too little to bring home, so we have a few weeks to prepare him (and us) fully. cleverdevil, Jul 22 2019 on
@jeannie we have! We brought home a little rag that Eliza had been playing with so he can get used to her scent. She is still too little to bring home, so we have a few weeks to prepare him (and us) fully.
@cleverdevil I bet he's going to be an awesome big brother. She's just too adorable. jeannie, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil I bet he's going to be an awesome big brother. She's just too adorable.
Omg. Andrea, Jul 22 2019 on
She is soooo cute! We don’t get to bring her home until mid-August. Jonathan LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
She is soooo cute! We don’t get to bring her home until mid-August.
@cleverdevil I just died of cuteness overload. macgenie, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil I just died of cuteness overload.
@macgenie 🥰🐶 cleverdevil, Jul 22 2019 on
@macgenie 🥰🐶
@cleverdevil gah, so cute dancohen, Jul 22 2019 on
@cleverdevil gah, so cute
A new pooch for the LaCours? Bob LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
A new pooch for the LaCours?
Yes, indeed! A little sister for old man Nelson. Jonathan LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
Yes, indeed! A little sister for old man Nelson.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! IM DYING hug dispenser, Jul 22 2019 on
She is the cutest little chubby, fat roll covered thing! Sort of like me. Jonathan LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
She is the cutest little chubby, fat roll covered thing! Sort of like me.
Well hello, fellow little E! What a cuuuutie! 😍 Elle’s Belles!, Jul 22 2019 on
Well hello, fellow little E! What a cuuuutie! 😍
Can’t wait to meet Eliza in October! Elaine LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
Can’t wait to meet Eliza in October!
Can’t wait to meet Eliza in October! Elaine LaCour, Jul 22 2019 on
Can’t wait to meet Eliza in October!