
Giant centipede attack!

I crawled into a tiny space

Looking down the spiral slides

Undersea cave

Climbing around The City Museum

Slide outside The City Museum

Highstreet - Cowboy boots & country music

Nashville Walf of Fame

Birth of Bluegrass

Statue in the Nashville war memorial

Statue behind columns

Andrew Jackson statue

Flowery steps

Nashville Capitol Building

Map of Nashville

Pathways in the caves

Lit up rocks

Reflective caves

Walkway on The Lost Sea

Moonshine equipment in the caves

Lit up stalactites

Entering The Lost Sea

Logs over a stream

Rainbow Falls

Mini waterfall

Crossing the stream

A road with bare trees

And old water wheel

Windy road on the top of a hill

Parked in the Smokey Mountains

Horizon full of trees

Forrests and hills

Road through the woods

On the road by the lake


Horseshoe river

By the river

Sun setting over the lake

Lakeside campspot

Some deer having lunch


Hills as far as the eye can see

Appalachian Trail sign

Walking around Clingmans Dome

Another from Clingmans Dome

More from Clingmans Dome

View from Clingmans Dome

Bare trees on hills

Foggy day on the road

In the swamps