
Kitchen table (with bonus cat)

The book collection

Hair, plants and books

you're the tits

The office chair

Kitchen doors

Dinner time!

Sitting on a stool

Taking a seat

So much fluff

In his basket

Checking out the shopping

Little paws

Sleepy face

Nice fort

Looking up

Curled up

Sumo sleeping

Sayuri Relaxing

I have found possibly the greatest festival of all time!

Apparently I should take up scuba diving

A crow on some wood

Sweet moustache

Apartments in Buda

A road at Lake Balaton

Hackerspace plant wall

Sunrise over Budapest

The white bridge

A bath house

Rain at Lake Balaton

Heroes Square

A walkway at Lake Balaton

My building

The parliament

Across from the parliament

Fishermans Bastion

Yellow house