
Palace of Fine Arts Theatre & trees

Bread animals

The Golden Gate Bridge covered in clouds


Elote street art

Painted houses

More street art

Mask street art

A bottle screen at Noisebridge

Sea Lions at PIER 39

Sunset at the Maritime National Historical Park

Palace of Fine Arts Theatre

Cable car tracks and houses

Lombard Street

A SF street

The hills of San Francisco

Cars on a hill

Houses on a hill

Blue and green windows

A busy cable car

Bread gator

Ghirardelli Square

Creepy Santa and his scary elves

More sunset at the Maritime National Historical Park

Fishermans Wharf

Mural in the Castro

2017-07-26 22.42.55.jpg

Chocolate skulls πŸ’€

Mexican icecream game is strong

Aztec statue in Chapultepec

Some random sculpture in Chapultepec

Memorial park

Angular building

Limes for sale

Hey look! It's Winston again

Green streets

Weird sitting creature

Lake in Chapultepec

Market in Chapultepec

Churchill graffiti

Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood

Trolley Square tower

Salt Lake Temple

Book lady

Utah State Capitol Building

View from the Utah State Capitol Building

A sculpture in Gilgal Sculpture Garden

The pioneers

Hammocking in SLC

Sunset and sprinklers