
Mexico flag

Mountains and roads of Monterrey

Lighted trees along the river

Trees and moon

Fountains & trees

Mountains or clouds?

Sunset in Monterrey


Mountains in the park


Nuevo Leon sign

Clouds over Monterrey

The fake river in Monterrey

Driving into Monterrey

A curve in the cobbles

Driving through the tunnel from Real de Catorce

Parking spot for the night

Hotel in an alleyway

Heading back to the modern village

A window to the modern village

More of Real de Catorce

White trees

Cacti and rubble


The ghost town of Real de Catorce

Ruins of a building in Real de Catorce

Looking back to the current town

Abandoned farm building

Real de Catorce church

Coffee shop in Real de Catorce

Small arena


Cobbled road

Strong ant

The lake behind the dam


Sunset in San Luis PotosΓ­

Hey look, it's another church!

The San Luis PotosΓ­ sign

Even more churches!

Trees and churches

Orange church

Square in San Luis PotosΓ­

Patterned door

Other Mentions


Gated bridge in San Luis PotosΓ­

Guanajuato at night

Relaxing above Guanajuato


Beer in the plaza